
Contract adress: 0x878f46773e99f7Dd308eBF0a3A331e7EBbb24B25

At YuklaSwap we believe security is the significant part of any mechanics or idea. This is why we will place it on the top of our priority list to be sure that all your funds are safu! Also at this moment most of our codebase is a fork of PancakeSwap, which was audited plenty of times by respected agents.

Security audit

Our security audit done by TechRate and is easily accessible for you review!


Timelock will be added to Masterchef contract shortly after launch.

Emergency withdraw

At YuklaSwap we use CloudFront to avoid malicious traffic and DDOS-attacks. We also use servers with big resource capacity to be able to serve a huge amount of requests.

However if we will face any bugs with our front-end, liquidity providers will always be able to withdraw their funds via direct interaction with our MasterChef contract.

Flash-loan attack protection

YuklaSwap pools are not accessible from third-party smart contracts unless they are whitelisted by our team. Whitelisting process includes decent security checks.

No smart contracts can interact with our vaults unless we whitelist them.

Also we are planning to launch CertiK Skynet security service which provides 24/7 security analysis for smart contracts.

No Migrator code

The Migrator code has been removed from MasterChef!


Transfer more than 0.5% of the total supply will be rejected. As the total supply grows, this ratio will be reduced.

Harvest lockup

Harvest lockup is a creative farming rewards lockup mechanism. This mechanism can help us limit the frequency of harvest to prevent farming arbitrage bots from constantly harvesting and dump.

Doxxed team

The team can be doxxed to Biswap Launchpad administration upon request and also on almost all the platforms we are launching our IDO.

Multi-signature wallets

All team tokens are on wallet with multi-signature authentication which means that even if one of the team members was hacked and malicious actor got his private key the funds are still save since it is just a fragment of a whole key which is stored in several different people's hardware.

Team tokens are also locked for six months just like liquidity.

Bug Bounty

Reporting security bugs or issues

YuklaSwap takes the security of our customer data very seriously. If you have identified any issues or potential vulnerabilities with our website or smart-contracts that might pose a risk to our services or the information trusted to us, then we encourage you to disclose it to us as quickly as possible in a responsible manner.

If you identify any issues with our website that might pose a risk to the information trusted to us, please contact us in our Telegram Group:

YuklaSwap also utilises a vulnerability reporting program through Bugcrowd – A crowdsourced cybersecurity platform.

To report a vulnerability in the YuklaSwap Vulnerability Reporting Program, you are required to have a Bugcrowd researcher account which can be created for free on the Bugcrowd website. Please refer to the Bugcrowd Privacy Policy for information about how your personal information will be managed. After creating the account please provide us with your username and account email address so that we can add you to the program. Please do this by contacting us via telegram. We will then be able to see your submissions and findings which our dedicated security member and engineers will respond to.

YuklaSwap will collect your personal information in order to contact you and communicate with you both through the Bugcrowd platform and separately about the bug or issue that you have raised.

If you have any issues with this process, please direct any questions or concerns to us using the telegram. If you have any feedback regarding the functionality or features on our website that do not relate to a security concern, please let us know also.

Last updated