Yield farming

Stake LP Tokens to earn $YUKLA

YuklaSwap's farms are intended to pin our users attention at specific tokens so they can provide liquidity and be extra-rewarded by our native $YUKLA token when liquidity provider tokens are staked at the farm. For us those specific tokens are coins from game industry projects and also best and most fast growing projects on Binance Smart Chain.

Add liquidity --> Receive Yukla-LP tokens --> Stake them in our farm --> Receive $YUKLA rewards.

Enjoy highest APR in our farms and pools!

Remember, just adding liquidity in our DEX without further steps is also being rewarded. When you hold Yukla-LP tokens they are automatically increasing in your wallet from the trading fees.

Never try to sell your Yukla-LP tokens.

What is yield farming?

About our farms

Deposit fees (pools and farms)

Total: 3% (only for non-$YUKLA pools)

Treasury: 2% (used for marketing and creating reward pools)

Buyback & burn: 1% (deflationary mechanism)

We have deposit fees on some of our pools and farms. This was designed as a part of our tokenomics. Part of deposit fees are used for buyback & burn and the other goes to the treasury for marketing and creation of rewarding pools. In the future we plan to remove deposit fees, as we gain more trading volume on our DEX.

Last updated