General Questions

Got questions?

Can’t I just compound by myself?

YuklaSwap helps you save gas fees because you pay them when you withdraw, claim and deposit. On top of that, we help you compound optimally up to 12x a day to maximize yield.

Why can't I withdraw?

There might be some wallet issues or you might be connected with the wrong Metamask account (this is usually the issue).

Metamask: Clear cache on the browser, restart the browser, log out and log in on the YuklaSwap website (click on the right top corner)

Trust Wallet: Make sure you have the app in the last version, restart the app and turn off and on again the wifi.


Let’s assume the APR of the $YUKLA farm is 365%. This means that on average if we divide 365% by 365 days, we get a daily return of 1%. Now since we compound this 1%, we can estimate the compounded APR using the following calculation: (1+0.01)^365 - 1 = 3678% Keep in mind that this is an assumption that only holds true if the APR of $YUKLA farm stays constant through one year. However, this is obviously not the case since the APY also changes by the second. We can use the same calculation for the rest of the Farms as well! Just divide the APR by 365, which would be the average daily yield. (1+daily yield)^365 -1 = Compounded APY.

How to Determine Daily % Gains?

Because the APY is constantly changing, the Compounded APY on the YuklaSwap Platform is constantly changing. Furthermore, because this APY is calculated via compounded (exponential growth), it cannot be calculated in a linear manner (i.e. APY/365) So long as you hold your tokens in our farms for an extended period of time, your assets will continue to grow exponentially.

Learn more: What is compounding?

What are the risks of Farming on YuklaSwap?

Systematic Risk

The Systematic Risk would be the decrease of the monetary value of assets deposited, be in BNB, YUKLA, etc. For example, BNB could be $300 when you deposit and $100 when you withdraw If you are farming via LP tokens (eg, YUKLA-BUSD LP or YUKLA-BNB LP), you might be subjected to impermanent loss. Impermanent loss happens when the price of the assets in the pool changes:

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